Saturday 22 January 2011


        Show me a man who has excelled in life, and I will show a man who discovered
And made use of his prowess in captivity. A situation will make you better, only if you don’t let it make you bitter.
CAPTIVITY, as it were, is an opportunity for greatness. It is a function of; dormain discovery only for those who know who they are and also what they are living for. In ways we can not tell, we have seen ourselves in captivity –a situation that question what to do.
And most of the times, we question God’s integrity concerning us when we say such thing as; ---why me; ---for how long, God why---, but the truth is, as Solomon posits, --- He makes all things beautiful in his own time; if everything is alright with us at all time, we will actually place God no where in our lives, ;-- make all things beautiful…, but how Gold must pass through the fire before it gets purified, the sand paper must rub the wood rough and wicked to get it smooth and polished, carbon must pass through hard pressures and heat below the earth’s crust to form diamond.Hey.;fire burns, yet purifies, sand paper lacerates; yet leaves the surface smooth and heat melt ;yet form diamond. You can imagine the benefits of captivity. The concept of benefits of captivity runs outside the box. It is a must in a believer’s life.
       We must begin to tell ourselves the truth that manner will not fall again, this time, I must say this, captivity is a place of self-discovery, a place where one’s potential is explored, simple put, captivity is your dormant. The bible has explicit account to demystify my assertiveness. Virtually, every body that succeeded in the scriptures did that from the place of captivity. Check the like of David who reared sheep at the back side of desert.-Joseph a guy who moved progressively from pit to prison and to the palace, Daniel –an Hebrew boy who purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s meat, maid of Naaman—who referred her master to Elisha to be healed of leprosy. Time will not permit me to talk of Nehemiah, Esther, oh.Apostle Paul-a man who rejoiced in tribulation, shedrack, meshack, Abednego, etc.All these were able to understand that the captivity they found themselves in was their dormant, and by this, they excelled more than their equals.           
               I make this submission to porter a solution as well as make us to understand our dormant in life has always been a place that questions our liberty and purpose in life. in every captivity experience, we will end up either victims or victors if and only if we know who we are—it is a function of choice. That is to say for any individual to be in place [dormain]. The place in question may be any place—for sure land of captivity, where your potentials are needed, hence, they are initiated, explored and exploited, But not the likes of –how can we sung the lord’s song in a strange land --, in that case where is the place for soul winning. For one of us to discover and enjoy the benefits of captivity, we must.
  1. Discover ourselves
  2. Discover God
  3. Discover our areas of influence.
In that case, what are the benefits of captivity? You may ask, they are vis

Fulfill your purpose in life.
Make a name for yourself.
Set a standard for other to conform
Become a witness of God
Die without potentials.
…[you can put your own thought here]
Captivity, indeed, has benefits—no doubt.
But only for those who have discovered themselves, God; and areas of influence.
   Make a meaning out of that captivity,

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