Monday 24 January 2011


Diary of an alien is supposed to oppose every sense of irresponsibility, negligence, value system, and the sense of indecency that has left us relegated to mundane things. Now you may begin to think what I call mundane, I mean that anything we do outside our purpose in life is mundane because it does not reflect our potentials. Now let me tell you  may wonder at this that we are always fulfilling purpose at one time or the other, that is to say you are fulfilling someone else’s purpose not yours. Fulfilling purpose has two facets, you either God’s purpose or devil’s. We do this by default. That means we fulfill purpose by default, that is way our lives functions, even when is abusing his or herself, you are still functioning under the purpose of self destruction which the devil usually perpetrate. The yardstick to measure this is not in the amount of money one is able to acquire in a life’s time. Purpose is not a function of how much money one has, but the relative impact your life makes in a life time, which supposedly has left indelible mark in people’s lives. That is eternalizing your name in the hearts of men. This is fulfilling purpose. We can not forget the likes of Mahatma Gandhi of India, Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington of the United States of America, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Henry Fords of Fords Motors, Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, to mention just a few. You see that how much indelible becomes or can be is a function of fulfilling purpose.

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